So this week was freakin rough at the start. Like nothing was going for us and I was just absolutely plagued with flat tires. I had 5 flat tires Count it 5!! Ridiculous. However, week turned completely around on Saturday. Up until this point we had nothing in regards to numbers. But then on Saturday we ended up having 5 lessons and finding 3 new investigators! It was a good day that day :)
Also on Thursday we had zone conference which is all the missionaries on Jylland and Fyn and had a pretty intense training. We made some pretty crazy goals for our mission so Im excited. But, the most important part was the Turkey bowl! It was flippin fun and I got to be QB most the time so that was fun. Actually did pretty good so Im proud of myself for that haha :D
Anyway, the big news this week is that we just got transfer calls like literally 5 minutes ago! I am being transferred to Aalborg and being companions with elder Wilsher so Im pretty excited for that. I am going to really miss Viborg though. It is an absolutely gorgeous little city but Im excited for the change as well.
Anyway, thanks for all yalls support and prayers, it really makes a huge difference.
Meget kærlighed, Ældste Pike