January 26, 2015

Hey everyone! Im glad to hear that you all had an awesome week this week at the cabin and enjoying a couple days off. Love you Guys a ton!

This week nothing terribly special happened. We were on splits about half the week in Frederickshavn and stuff. It was a blast but our numbers totally sucked. We also had interviews with president which went really well. Other than that not too much out of the ordinary.

Sorry this email is way lame. Ill try to do something awesome this week so I can write about it. Anyway, love you Guys tons and I hope you have a great week!

Hakuna Matata,
Ældste Pike


Hey yall! I am so glad to hear that you all had an awesome week this week! Sounded like it was a nice relaxing week with a lot of nice changes. I love hearing that all is good in the neighborhood.

This week has just flown by! It has just been a blast actually but nothing to out of the ordinary. One highlght though was on Saturday we went out to this pretty Little town called Blokhus with the sisters which sits right on the coast. We randomly visited this member WHO has a tough time coming to church because of her Health but she was so stoked to have us so that was way fun. But then we went out and just enjoyed chillin on the Beach for a while. Gosh it was such a blast! Definitely one of the better road trips Ive had on my mission.

Unfortunetaly Im out of time but Things have just been going great here. I absolutely love it here in Aalborg and I love being out on a mission. I am so happy to have two years to just focus on helping other people and helping people really discover christ and come closer to him. More than anything though it has helped me really get to know my Savior and is really changing my life. For that am I so grateful for.

Meget kærlighed,
Ældste Pike

P.S. Danish Word of the day: STRAND

Another day another... Hurricane?!‏

Hey everyone! So as you can see by the subject line is that we had a hurricane this week. It wasnt a big one at all but it was strong enough to be classified as one. Dont worry I am safe. It was pretty great though. As soon as I opened the door to go outside I was like "Holy Donkey Kong!" I just got blasted in the face with Wind and rain. I mean, there was just like random crap flying through the air, the fjord was just going buck wild with huge waves and stuff and we were like riding our bikes on like a 30 degree angle! Gosh it was great.

Other than that nothing terribly exciting. We had some really great lessons with some of our investigators and less actives where the spirit was just so strong. We also started this new missionary initiative called "One Heart, one mind" with the members where we basically Work closely with some of the members to learn about preach my gospel and really help them with their own missionary Work. So Im pretty excited about that. Other than than nothing too much, just trying to find more people to teach.

I hope you all have another fantastic week! Stay safe, stay warm, and stay classy.
Ældste Pike

P.S. Danish Work of the day: Orkan (hurricane).

Danskere kan Feste!!‏

Hey yall!! Its good to hear that you all had a pretty good week chillin. I hope its been a good start to the new year! Today I wanna give a shout out to the best sister ever. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Du er den bedste! :) Love you tons and I hope you make your b-day a special one.

So this week was pretty fun with new years celebration and all that. We went over to a members house and just chilled pretty much. We Watched the queen give a speech which she does ever year on new years eve which was interesting. Then we watched this way old movie that apparently is a huge tradition in most Danish familes to Watch. I wouldnt say it was mission approved but it was pretty funny so its ok :)  But then... THE FIREWORKS! So I had heard rumors of how crazy people got with fireworks and stuff at new years. Actually people were like shooting off fireworks all throughout the day for like a week before. But this night... holy cow. The clock Struck midnight it all a sudden it was like the 4th of July just took some steriods and turned into the hulk! It was the craziest firework display ever!! It was just this barage of constant fireworks for like 2 hours. Kids were like shooting each other with these Things and some huge ones like tipped over and blew up into like Buildings and stuff and it was just Chaos! Oh man it was great fun!

But other than that not much.

I hope you all have an awesome week this week and an awesome 2015! Make some time to reflect on this past year and make some goals you want to accomplish this year. A plan to get where you want to be this year both physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Why not be the person youve alway wanted to be. We are sons and daughters of God for crying out loud!

Jeg elsker jer rigtig meget!
Have en rigtig god uge all sammen!
Peace out!
Ældste Pike