Monday we went over to familien Paulsen and had one of the best eating appointments ever. They were so awesome and really gave me a ton of advice and stuff to finish my mission out strong.
Tuesday I met Jesus! Well kinda. Thomas Kofod is in our ward and he plays Jesus in a lot of the church films and stuff so that was fun. Also I made stegt flæsk with potatoes and sauce which is the national dish of danmark and tastes divine! Thursday was kinda cool. We did a ton of finding and actually found a super nice lady from Nicaragua who was baptized over there but for whatever reason left the church, but was totally down for meeting and stuff so that was really awesome. Hopefully we'll be able to bring her back to the good ole fold. Later that day we stopped by a referral we'd been trying to get in contact with for like ever and finally did and had an awesome conversation. I guess the funniest part with that was that my comp is Danish and actually likes country musik (thats rare in these parts) well we get to talking with this referral and apparently he is a huge country fan as well! So I was just standing there baffled thinking like wow, Only two country fans in all of danmark and I'm looking at em. Anyways, Friday was really fun. I had my last zone training on my mission so I was able to bare my departing testimony (I know I still got a month but still). I will just quickly share what I told them and I will do it in danish just cuz thats how I said it and Danish is awesome.
Der var 4 store ting som jeg fik et vidnesbyrd om mens jeg har været på mission (blandt andet). det først er at jeg ved at mormonsbog and guds ord, og at det er overbevisning på Jesu Kristi kirke genoprettelsen. For det andet, jeg ved at thomas monson er virkelig en guds profet og at de 12 apostle er også kaldet af gud som seer, åbenbarerer, og profeter. Jeg ved at templet er herrens hus og at de ordinancer der forgår derinde er virkelig. Til sidst ved jeg at Herren styrker os i vores svære tider, prøvelser, og udfordringer og at alt er muligt gennem Ham. Jeg er så taknemelig for evangaliet i mit liv!
Anyways, Saturday we pretty much just did a service project where with a ton of other volunteers and missionaries and walked around this gorgeous lake picking up trash and stuff. It was just way chill and great to just hang out with some of my buddies again.
Love you all so much! Thank you all for your prayers on my behalf! I really feel them and am so grateful for yalls love and support throughout my mission! Have another bomb week!
Hakuna Matata
Ældste Pike
p.s. its a cheesy pick i know. :)