Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear‏

This week was actually really slow as far as teaching investigators and stuff. But we are moving our focus from just knocking and contacting all day everyday to just really focusing on stopping by members and strengthening them. We did get to go to Århus again this week though. On Thursday we were on splits down there with the zone leaders which was a lot of fun. I always learn a ton from them. Then we spent the night and went to a zone training and afterwards had a zone activity which was just a blast to hang with everyone again. 

Other than that nothing to out of the ordinary. Some things that Ive been working on though is just letting the mission change me to what the Lord would have me be. For some reason before my mission I just assumed that when you head out that all a sudden my testimony would just get a gazillion times stronger, that I would just automatically love the Danish people, and basically I would just become this amazing RM without having to put much effort, like it would just come. But one thing Ive learned since Ive been out longer is that all these things take effort on my part. I am still a normal person. Unless I do something about getting a stronger testimony, or praying to love the people more, and developing those great life skills and christlike attributes, I will literally remain the same person I was when I left. The great thing about serving a mission is that you can see a glimpse of your divine potential, and what amazing possibilites await. But for me it is also scary. It is weird to say but its scary for me to be great. With great power comes great responsibility as peter parkers uncle would put it. But the last few weeks 1 John 4:18 has become my motivation:
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."

So ya, thats been my thoughts the last couple days or so. Have another great week yall! 
Ældste Pike